
The Best Career Options For Housewives

  • Salman
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  • Back to Work, Expert Advice, Working Women
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  • 30 Aug 2018


After owning a remarkable career, it’s daunting to quit right away and become a full-time housewife and so, in order to fill the gaps, women start considering other options for themselves. But the question arises, after a career break, what would be the best career options for housewives?  

Let’s take a look at a list of career options for housewives.

Freelance Jobs

At the top of the list is freelancing. You would’ve often heard of "freelancers". Millennials all around the world have started freelancing. It takes a lot of planning, multitasking, and deadlines to meet, but if you're able to do all of the above, then nothing like it. Housewives could look at this as a great opportunity. Like any other career path, you won't hit the charts right away, but patience is a virtue; hold on until you become a pro.  

Small or big, look at all your clients similarly. Your work shouldn't vary on the basis of the size of the employer/client. Your work will do the talking, and that is what will get you more contracts. Word of mouth is the best way for you to bag in more clients. People from different professions have been freelancing these days. From a writer to a developer, they're all in the game. This could be one of the best career options for housewives.


#MondayMorningsBeLike - Binge-work from home. Now that is something to look forward to every Monday. Honestly, this one is the best of both worlds for housewives. Few companies have started looking at telecommuting, as a way of retaining the talent and bringing them back as well. If that doesn't entice you, what would? You could also decide for yourself on how much time you wish to dedicate to the job. Can’t afford a full-time job right now? No problem, try part time for now. Be it part time or full time, whatever you decide, stick to your deadlines nonetheless.

The best part is yet to come... the pain of traveling to and from the office everyday is just too much of a hustle. Why take up so much, when you can sit back home and get through your day just fine finishing the same (if not more) amount of work. You get the perfect work-life balance, flexibility, and time for yourself. What else could you wish for?


Coming back to full time work after a career break is a big thing, added to that; you’ve way many alien things that will cross your way. So instead of getting back to work straight away, try interning/volunteering at a company. It is the best way to reskill yourself. You will get a lot of exposure, regain your confidence, and will get upgraded as well.

Apart from the above-mentioned career options for housewives, below mentioned are few opportunities that housewives can look forward to:

Writer Jobs

Have a way of playing with words? Is writing your passion? Looking for a job change, then get back to the workforce as a writer. You don’t need to juggle between home and work anymore. Working options for housewives have never gotten better.

Marketing Jobs

You know the market well, and you have a deep understanding of the products. Then, what is it that is keeping you away from getting back to it? You feel outdated after your career break? Then reskill and get back into the workforce.

Designer Jobs

Software, web, or be it a creative designer; you can work from home and continue your career without having to leave home. You can try freelancing! Creative people often prefer to work from home. So, go ahead and add yourself to the number.

Transcriptionist Jobs

Wish to make a career as a transcriptionist? Then here is your chance. Listen to audio files; understand them, transcribe them from regional languages to English. Sounds like your thing? Then give it a shot!

Now that you are armed with all this information about the best career options for housewives, better get started.


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