
Career Transformers


About Us

59% of the Indian workforce reported in 2022 as not happy at work !

Up to 80% of Indian professionals in 2023 want to shift jobs for fair payscale, allow a sensible work-life balance and degree of flexibility.

Professionals with high intentions to quit their current job, comprise of 58% men and 62% women !

These statistics speak a lot about work status in India. 

An individual spends on an average 85000 to 90,000 hrs into his or her job ! 

We believe that your work is an expression and an extension of who you are. Your biggest success and fulfillment comes from using your talents, strengths and what you love to do.

Workplace boredom generally occurs when people feel like they don’t belong in their jobs; believe they are underutilized, doing work that is beneath their skills or experience; lack the opportunity to learn new things and develop in their careers or their environment is toxic or they dont know what else they can do in their careers.

Our company is called Career Transformers, its a career transition consulting and mentoring firm. We believe in providing honest, actionable and highly personalised mentoring program for career changes and we are passionate about helping professionals to have a fulfilling career. 

We aim to support our clients along a journey from knowing that they aren't happy in their present career, not knowing what their next steps might be to having a clear vision of a career that is absolutely right for them & a plan for how to create it. 

Our goal is to help you finding work you love, in whatever form that might take for you - a career that is a great fit, a business that is your own, finding work/life balance or getting the growth that you so deserve.

Our 12 weeks program focuses on who you are as an identity, so that you can move into careers that bring you joy and inspiration. We explore your gifts, strengths, achievements, passions, skills, knowledge & interest so that you can design your career on these parameters and feel amazing, confident and fulfilled in your work.

We also help you to look at your fears, doubts, anxieties, rewire your thinking & see the Big Picture in terms of your future work. Lack of self understanding is the biggest hurdle to find work that represents who you are as a personality.

By creating space in your life, we review and plan your weekly schedule and what you need to do systematically through a structured, effective and supportive process.

OUR MISSION : We help motivated people thrive into careers that fit who they are & who they want to become !



Expert Services

Career Counselling