
Sandarshika- Psycho-Legal Client Counseling Services

 Fathom Legal, Advocates & Corporate Consultants

Expert services

Career Counselling

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₹ 1500

Sandarshika- Psycho-Legal Client Counseling Services

Fathom Legal, Advocates & Corporate Consultants

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Career Counselling

₹ 1500


Bridging Legal Guidance with Mental Well-being

 Fathom Legal's Psycho-Legal Client Counseling Service is a distinctive and all-encompassing approach that intertwines legal guidance with a specialized emphasis on mental health and well-being. This service is crafted to navigate the intricate overlap between legal complexities and the psychological impact they often have on individuals facing challenging legal circumstances.

The aim is to provide comprehensive support that acknowledges the inherent connection between legal matters and mental well-being. Legal issues can trigger a range of emotions, from stress and anxiety to confusion and fear, which can significantly impact an individual's mental health. Our service recognizes and addresses this relationship, aiming not just to solve legal problems but also to support clients in maintaining or restoring their mental well-being throughout the legal process.


Leave your stress for us to handle and enjoy our service benefits:

  1. Holistic Support: Our counselors possess expertise in both legal and psychological domains, providing a comprehensive understanding of clients' needs, considering legal intricacies alongside mental well-being.
  2. Tailored Approach: We personalize our counseling strategies to suit each client's specific legal circumstances, understanding the emotional toll that legal matters can take.
  3. Emotional Resilience: We focus on bolstering emotional resilience, offering coping mechanisms and strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and emotional upheaval arising from legal challenges.
  4. Informed Decision-making: Clients receive guidance that not only empowers them legally but also aids in making informed decisions considering their mental health and emotional stability.
  5. Conflict Resolution: Our approach integrates conflict resolution strategies that encompass both legal negotiation techniques and psychological support to achieve balanced and sustainable outcomes.
  6. Wellness Advocacy: Beyond legal advice, we advocate for overall wellness, promoting mental health awareness and self-care practices during legal proceedings.
    Confidentiality and Trust: We prioritize client confidentiality, fostering an environment of trust and openness to ensure clients feel comfortable discussing their legal and emotional concerns.
  7. Multidisciplinary Team: Our team comprises legal experts and mental health professionals, offering a multidisciplinary approach to client care and guidance.
    Fathom Legal's Psycho-Legal Client Counseling Service is designed to provide a supportive, empathetic, and nuanced approach to addressing legal issues while prioritizing the mental well-being of our clients.


  • Engaging live sessions with on-spot resolution.
  • Industry expert-led sessions by psychologist and lawyer on the call.
  • Instant doubt resolution by our experienced experts.
  • Assessing Emotional Needs in Legal Cases.
  • Strategies for Resilience and Coping.
  • Role Plays and Practical Applications.
  • Conflict Resolution and Decision-making
  • Client-Counselor Relationship and Confidentiality

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