
Return Readiness Quiz (RRQ)

 SoaringEagles Learning Private Limited

Expert services


location specifying image Online

₹ 374

₹ 400

Return Readiness Quiz (RRQ)

SoaringEagles Learning Private Limited

location specifying image Online     |     offering typeexpert_services


₹ 374 Onwards

₹ 400


Returning after a career break can be daunting. But with the right attitude and preparation, nothing can hold you back. Take this small quiz to see how well prepared you are to get back to work. It will test your understanding of the job search process for a returnee, how your resume should be structured and how much you understand about the selection process and its requirements.

Mode: Online
Duration: 30 mins


The quiz will help you identify the aspects that you may be confused about or have misunderstood. You will receive detailed feedback based on your performance in this quiz. This can then help you  focus on developing in those specific areas to help you do well in the selection process. You can also explore the courses offered by SoaringEagles for developing these skills and boosting your chances of success.

Pricing Details

Return Readiness Quiz (RRQ)

374 400