
Career Transformers

 Career Transformers

Expert services

Career Counselling

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₹ 55000

₹ 60000

Career Transformers

Career Transformers

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Career Counselling

₹ 55000 Onwards

₹ 60000


Identifying your priorities is the first step in making any kind of job transition ! 

Often career changers ‘jump in at the deep end’ of career change, trying to list job options before thinking about what exactly they want to get out of a career change. This can result in a lot of frustration, and rarely results in a good career change.

Why? Because picking a new career without understanding your basic ‘me-criteria’ is akin to closing your eyes and picking a career at random. No wonder people spend years going around in circles trying to decide what to do next. Through this program, you learn how to choose a new career, the right way.

Our program is designed to get you unstuck and help you to get clear about how you can make your career shift !

Our career transition programme has been carefully tailored using research into best practice in career evaluation and transition, backed up my own experience as a life and career coach.

The programme aims to help you take a journey from uncertainty about your present career and not knowing what your next step might be, through to having a clear vision of a career that is absolutely right for you, and a plan for how to create it.

What is unique about this programme is that it draws on your own innate resourcefulness to help you identify an exciting and viable new career direction. The programme provides a framework in the form of interesting and engaging exercises and profound guided meditations which will bring out that creativity and resourcefulness in you and direct it toward discovering the right next step for your working life.


The programme has been designed in three phases, spanning over 12 weeks, each of which has been named after an inspiring quotation from Mark Twain: EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER.


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.


Explore. Dream. Discover.”


I want you to be inspired to take up that challenge. The following pages give a brief description of the programme.


The Programme in brief


Research shows that those who are most satisfied and motivated by their work are in careers which reflect who they really are; careers which reflect their true nature and their real passions; careers which draw on their innate strengths and employ their favourite skills; careers which allow them to honour their deeply-held values.


Because of this, the foundation of our programme entails a long, hard look at who you are. This is the EXPLORE part of the programme. During this phase, you’ll get a clear idea of


your values
your formative years narrative
your most powerful self
your personal strengths
your knowledge and interests
your personal achievements
everything you need in your life to be happy and fulfilled.

This knowledge is about you as a person, your life as a whole. The next layer on the foundation stone in the EXPLORE phase is about your work preferences.


We’ll work to identify


your favourite job skills
your key work motivations
your professional strengths
your greatest work achievements
your preferred working organisation and environment
your ideal working day
everything you need in your working life to be motivated and satisfied.


By the end of the EXPLORE phase, you will be very clear about what you must have in your career to be satisfied and motivated. 

The next phase is DREAM. This is a very creative part of the programme when together we generate a number of possible new career choices. We call it DREAM because the idea here is to be expansive, to think outside the box, not to be constrained at this stage by traditional notions of what’s possible. In truth, almost anything is possible if it’s right for you. And we will deal with making it possible in the final phase, DISCOVER.


We will then explore the most attractive ideas in some detail in the DISCOVER phase. DISCOVER is the point where we investigate the top possibility that was generated in the DREAM phase. We will use a creative and empowering process which lets you turn your vision for an exciting career that’s right for you into a soundly based action plan to make it happen.



  • We offer a customised program focussing on you to transition your career effortlessly and systematically. 
  • We offer intensive support, step by step hand holding through the entire process 
  • Our program is based on a structured framework and verified scientifically to minimise risk, cost and waste of time. It aims to move foward with confidence and certainity. 
  • Discover exciting new career paths that fit who you are 
  • Get confident about what you are good at 
  • Find direction into your next career without risking your finances, or your present work, or starting all over again 
  • Feel a new level of energy about your career and your life
  • This program is meant for those who want to explore themselves and not just for a temporary career shift
  • Our 15 tools and resources are designed not just for career transition but also for growth in personal life.  We help our clients to think differently. We work on their limiting beliefs and fixed mindsets.
  • 12 weeks of customised one on one support, with 1.5 hrs of online coaching every week and extended reviews and followups for till 3 months after your coaching to ensure your sucess. 
  • Drawing a roadmap - mistakes to avoid in your career transition journey, provide a systematic plan to execute 

  • Save time, energy and years of indecisiveness, through trial and errors, advises of people who are not qualified to help you. 

Pricing Details

Career Transformers

55000 60000

exclusive herkey


1. What is the process of the program ? 

There will be a first exploratory session for you to understand the program and for us to know what are your goals and why you have enrolled in the program. After the exploratory session, should you choose to join the program, you need to first fill up our survey form, sign the agreement, followed by the payment for the program.  AFter the payment, the program will be customised to start a one to one personalised, coaching session for 1 hr per week.  Followup and support will take place during the whole week. There will be exercises and tasks to be completed every week. A delay in the task means a delay in acheiving your goals and less commitment on your part. The entire period of coaching is 12 to 14 weeks. But we continue our support and followup till 3 months

2. What is the time commitment for me ? 

You need per week for each session 1 to 2 hrs for the online coaching.  Plus around 3 to 4 hrs per week to follow the exercises. Total program is anywhere between 12 to 14 weeks and can extend depending on how you move in your journey. 

3.  What if I am not happy with the program ? 

We havent yet received anyone asking for a refund. Refunding is not possible after enrolment. However, we believe that if you work consistently towards the program or till the end, you will see definite results.  Consistency, commitment & action taking is the key to your sucess. Thats why being ready to work towards your career transition is necessary. 

4. What if I miss my coaching sessions ?

We give you another chance to complete your sessions but we plan to complete the program in 14 weeks maximum. A delay means longer time to achieve your goals. Therefore, we expect you to be committed to your career change. If you miss more than 2 sessions, then it means you are not commited enough for the program  or have other priorities and in that case, we will not refund or reschedule the sessions. 

5. How do I know if this program is right for me ? 

For this you need to have an exploratory session free of cost for 1 hour based on our mutually agreed time.  In this time, we will explain the process to you and also know your objectives and goals. 

6. Who can take this program ?

Motivated & committed professionals in their 30's, 40's or 50's who want long term change in their careers & not just transition into their next jobs in 3 or 6 months.

People what have some years of experience and feel that they are not happy in their current job and its not aligned with their values, interest, passions

People committed to explore and work on themselves in order to fit into the right careers.

People willing to take action to do the work that is required to make their career transition. 

People who are not looking for job sites or interviewing techniques or resume building services

People who feel stuck in their lives & feel indecisive, have limiting beliefs, fears, anxieties, experience communication issues etc. and who wish to address them as these can sabotage career growth.

People who have time and patience to do the work required, its not easy but possible !

Those willing to invest time, energy and money to bring the changes required in their work.

7. What else is important to know before joining the program ? 

If you have been going through therapy or other counselling sessions or health treatment, we expect you to inform us before joining the program.  Besides the agreement that you sign is basically for us to know that you are committed for the program and you have honestly divulged all information on the agreement. 


Terms & Conditions

  1. Sending us duly filled in survey form 
  2. Exploratory Session for 1 hour on zoom or whatsapp
  3. Signing the agreement to start off work  
  4. Payment after signing of the agreement

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