



About Us

RoboticsBiz is a tech portal that brings together experts in robotics research, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies around the world. Run by a team of experts to meet today’s pressing need for a knowledge pool for the development and promotion of robotics and STEM education among the general public and school children, the portal is a one-stop source for everything you need to know about robotics.

The goal of the portal is to build a knowledge bank especially for people who are new to robotics but want to build a solid foundation that helps them venture into robotics in terms of their curriculum or career.

RoboticsBiz touches various topics in robotics, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, sensors, drones, cloud computing, automation, etc. It partners with robotics events and competitions to promote STEM education in schools and colleges, which is crucial to creating critical thinkers, problem-solvers, and innovators of the next generation. The web

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RoboticsBiz is a tech portal that brings together experts in robotics research, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies around the world. Run by a team of experts to meet today’s pressing need for a knowledge pool for the development and promotion of robotics and STEM education among the general public and school children, the portal is a one-stop source for everything you need to know about robotics.

The goal of the portal is to build a knowledge bank especially for people who are new to robotics but want to build a solid foundation that helps them venture into robotics in terms of their curriculum or career.

RoboticsBiz touches various topics in robotics, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, sensors, drones, cloud computing, automation, etc. It partners with robotics events and competitions to promote STEM education in schools and colleges, which is crucial to creating critical thinkers, problem-solvers, and innovators of the next generation. The website also covers news and robotic trends in markets such as agriculture, defense, education, healthcare, retail, logistics, etc.

Visit us: https://roboticsbiz.com/

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Company Details

Industry Media/Publishing/Entertainment/Animation
Size 2-10
Established In 2019

RoboticsBiz is a startup, based in Chennai. Those who work for us can choose to work from home permanently.
