
My Balancing Act (#BlogathonforMums)

  • Neha
  • in
  • Working Women
  • |
  • 09 Dec 2015

This entry is part of the Babyoye Blogathon for Mums. If you wish to participate, please send in your entry to, after choosing from one of the 3 topics!

I have two daughters, aged 3 years and 2 months, respectively, my 5 year old dream —‘Empowering You- Shaping Your Self-Esteem’, my husband and family; balancing each sphere diligently and giving equal time to all my indispensables is challenging for sure, yet it is achievable!

Having more than 200 children connected and more than 100 adults, neglecting any sphere was never an option, but managing my time was the secret. ‘Empowering You’ is a platform to reach out to children, teens, and adults to instill parenting skills, enhance self esteem, motivate women to build themselves up, and to also work on their vocabulary development. I believe that it is what has made me stronger and given me enough so that I can now, in turn, give to my children.

In balancing my life between my husband, kids, and work, and vacillating like a pendulum from side to side, it's hard not to get overwhelmed and question yourself. Are you doing enough? More than that, are you doing it all properly? Fulfilling every role and every demand sufficiently? From time to time, I too find myself in the same whirlpool but then my soul finds a way and promptly answers—“Happy mothers make happy babies!” Children are always a priority but taking out at least 6 hours a day for work should not make one guilty.

My husband has been my most compelling and guiding force in this journey of motherhood. Every time I ask myself, “Am I being a good mother?”  my husband stands by rock-solid, supporting me, motivating me, and convincing me that it is my work that is actually raising our children productively. Dividing and delegating our work, his moral support, and maximizing each moment of my awake-time at home is my key to being a successful entrepreneur and a dedicated mother.

Whatever time I spend with both my daughters, I strive to make each minute of it productive and positive – either by indulging in lots of hugs and kisses, singing lots of rhymes, telling lots of stories, or inventing games on manners, social skills, and life. My three-year-old today is a confident, secure and all-knowing enthusiast. This I give all thanks to my work because of which even during my pregnancy and as a mother I was able to impart English vocabulary, stories, poems and songs unconsciously into my own children while teaching others, having always carried my pregnant tummy with me to work! Even now I invite my children to my education center, which is right across the road from our home, making it easier for me to balance my time.

I believe that it is work, something to go back to even after 20 years, that empowers a woman and adds value to her identity. Nevertheless, balancing your time between being a heroic homemaker and an enterprising entrepreneur is indispensable and can be done by managing yourself well, keeping notes, deciding food menus beforehand, marking important dates, setting aside work-clothes for work and parties in advance, trusting other family members, and teaching your children the importance of chores. Every time I go to work I explain to my children why I am going and that I will be back. That has been very important in making me a guilt-free mom. The tight hugs and kisses I get when I come home reassure me that I must be doing something right.

Therefore, never abandon what makes you happy for your family, as they see what makes you happy and they treasure you for just that!

Sidhika Goenka [MSC. in Counselling and Counselor Education] | Empowering You~ Shaping Your Self Esteem

Contribute your entries too! Just email them to We look forward to reading your thoughts!

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